
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Writing Out Length in an Essay - How to Master it

Writing Out Length in an Essay - How to Master itIn order to become a better writer, one of the most important steps you can take is learning how to properly write out length in an essay. This is a skill that not only every writer can utilize, but a skill that every person who has ever written a paper knows how to use. Writing out length in an essay is something that you should be able to master if you truly want to be successful at writing.Writing out length in an essay is what is commonly referred to as the author's first draft. This is the first section of your paper that you will have for the reader to see and critique. Many students get so caught up in the task of writing their papers that they forget to practice it until it is too late. Learning how to write out length in an essay will help you pass your assignments much more easily, and it will also help you retain the information better.The most common mistake that people make when they first start writing an essay is that th ey completely lose sight of the most important thing. This is important because all the other stuff is going to be forgotten anyway when you are writing a piece of writing that is longer than two or three pages. All of the formatting, proper punctuation, grammar, etc. should all be remembered, and put in the back of your mind before you begin writing.One good idea is to write down the names of all of the key individuals involved in the story so that when you are writing out length in an essay, you can just refer to those people whenever you need to. This is especially helpful when you are writing out length in an essay with a lot of reading involved. Remembering your named sources will make the task of writing your paper much easier.Another common problem that writers run into is forgetting their end dates. There are many problems that can arise from forgetting the end date on your paper. One of the biggest problems that I ran into when I was starting out was that I could not find a book that had a date calculator anywhere in it. All of the books that I found were either old or did not work properly.Having a date calculator on hand during your writing out length in an essay is really a must-have. By having this handy, you will be able to make sure that you have your date in hand whenever you get stuck, or when you have questions about when to submit the paper.I am going to tell you something that you do not want to happen to you while you are writing your essay. I think everyone has been guilty of this at some point. If you are having a problem figuring out when you are supposed to submit your paper, just write it out as soon as you have finished writing it.You want to be able to make sure that your deadline is met when it comes to writing out length in an essay. Getting caught up in the process will only lead to problems for you.

Monday, April 13, 2020

How to Choose Argumetive Essay Topics

How to Choose Argumetive Essay TopicsArgumetive essays are focused in their scope and tend to be more argumentative than a standard academic paper. They are not standardized tests or projects, but rather, they are reflections of a particular thought process and demonstrate an individual's thoughts on an issue.It can be challenging to choose argumetive essay topics for a written work, since there are many. Of course, this is due to the fact that the word 'essay' is itself a topic; and as such, topics can often be difficult to narrow down. However, there are some things you can do to help you with this task. Here are some tips that might help.One of the best ways to start out when looking for interesting argumetive essay topics is to consider the first chapter or two of a book. This is because books offer many different perspectives on a particular topic. Think about your own book, or one you are currently reading, and find a few chapters that relate to the topic of your paper.Another great way to get good ideas for argumetive essay topics is to look at some old topics that you feel like you have a unique perspective on. For example, you may remember from college that a particular political candidate was popular among certain demographics. You could also look at a past political campaign and see if any of the former campaign staff came back to work for that candidate or a similar candidate.Another idea is to look at a personal story. This can be particularly helpful because you have something unique to share about yourself; therefore, you can easily differentiate yourself from the crowd by writing about how the situation shaped your life and how it affected you personally. If your life has been dramatically changed by some event, then you can describe that change and how it relates to the issues in your work.The term 'argumetive essay topics' is in reference to specific ideas or opinions. Therefore, it is necessary to come up with ideas on your own. Although this can be easier said than done, some of the best ideas are those that come from observing the world around us, learning new information, and putting ideas into words.Often the best ideas come from those who are experiencing firsthand the same thing you are, whether it is a personal experience or a favorite television show. This may not always be possible, but you can come up with ideas on your own from watching a movie or reading a book that has been described in a negative way. Consider the dialogue in the film, the tone and sense of humor, and the overall plot of the story to see if it fits your research topic.In conclusion, choosing an argumentative essay topic can be a difficult task, but one that can be made easier if you consider a specific topic that may not seem quite right to you. A personal story is a good starting point; however, it is important to research the book or television show for which you are planning to write an essay. In addition, consider the dialogue and tone of the story and seek out information that will help you narrow down your topic.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Ukuthwala Custom free essay sample

It is suggested that instead of a prohibitionist stance towards customs that seem to violate human rights norms, a benign accommodation of aspects that promote the positive aspects of culture be adopted. This approach leads to a conclusion that South African law should recognise those forms of ukuthwala where the requirement of consent of the ‘bride’ is met. The implications of the prohibition on social and cultural practices detrimental to child well-being in the Children’s Act are framed in this context. . Introduction The practice of ukuthwala in South Africa has recently received negative publicity, with numerous complaints being recorded. In the first and second quarter of 2009, the media reported that ‘more than 20 Eastern Cape girls are forced to drop out of school every month to follow the traditional custom of ukuthwala (forced marriage)’. [1] Girls as young as 12 years are forced to marry older men, in some cases with the consent of their pa rents or guardians. We will write a custom essay sample on Ukuthwala Custom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Commenting on the matter, Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (Contralesa) chairman, Chief Mwelo Nokonyana, said ukuthwala was ‘an old custom that was now being wrongly practiced in several parts of the eastern Transkei. ’[2] Dr Nokuzola Mdende of the Camagwini Institute also stated ‘that abducting a girl of 12 or 13 is not the cultural practice we know. This is not ukuthwala, this is child abuse. At 12, the child is not ready to be a wife. [3] At the SA Law Reform Commission ‘Roundtable Discussion on the practice of Ukuthwala’,[4] which was held as part of its preliminary investigation to determine whether the proposal should be included in the Commission’s law reform programme and in an effort to gather information on the subject, it was observed that ukuthwala, like many other customary institutions, has changed radically. The practice has now taken on other dimensions, including young girls forcibly being married to older men, relatives of the girl kidnapping and taking the girls themselves as wives, and abductions not being reported to the Traditional Authorities. 5] These changed practices around ukuthwala potentially increase the vulnerability of children’s’ rights violations. The main aim of this article is to evaluate the implications of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 for ukuthwala. Insofar as the recent media comments are pertinent to some of the conclusions reached in this article, a preliminary discussion of ukuthwala in its differing dimensions is important. For that reason in the second part of this article we trace the history of ukuthwala, and the traditional reasons for, and the different forms of, ukuthwala. We further discuss the procedure of ukuthwala and the legal position of the practice under customary law. In the third part, we will contextualize the debate of ukuthwala within the constitutional and international rights to culture and equality paradigms. In the fourth part, we proceed by looking at the framework for the consideration of culture and custom in the Children’s Act before discussing the implications of the Children’s Act for ukuthwala. The last part contains some conclusions. 2. Ukuthwala 2. 1 What is ukuthwala? In South Africa, the custom originated from the Xhosas. [6] However, although the custom is predominantly practiced among Xhosa speaking tribes,[7] the practice has expanded into different ethnic groups. For example, the Mpondo clan has adopted ukuthwala from Xhosa clans such as the Mfengus. [8] Young Sotho men, through contact with other tribes, have also adopted the practice which was otherwise foreign amongst them. [9] Ukuthwala in South Africa enjoys popular support in the areas where it is still practiced. 10] According to a newspaper report, one Chief (a woman) in the region where ukuthwala is practiced said that the young girls who escape from the houses where they are detained whilst awaiting marriage were ‘embarrassing our village’. [11] The word ukuthwala means ‘to carry’. [12] It is a culturally legitimated abduction of a woman whereby, preliminary to a customary marriage,[13] a young man will forcibly take a girl to his home. [14] Some authors ha ve described ukuthwala as the act of ‘stealing the bride’. [15] Ukuthwala has also been described as a mock abduction or irregular proposal[16] aimed at achieving a customary marriage. 17] From these definitions, we see that ukuthwala is in itself not a customary marriage or an engagement. The main aim of ukuthwala is to force the girl’s family to enter into negotiations for the conclusion of a customary marriage. [18] (Underlining supplied). The procedure for ukuthwala is as follows: The intending bridegroom, with the help of the one or two friends, will waylay the intended bride in the neighbourhood of her own home, quite often late in the day. [19] They will then ‘forcibly’ take her to the young man’s home. Sometimes the girl is caught unawares, but in many instances she is caught according to prior plan and agreement. In either case, the girl will put up a show of resistance to suggest to onlookers that it is against her will, when in fact, it is seldom so. As Bekker explains: ‘The girl, to appear unwilling and to preserve her maidenly dignity, will usually put up strenuous but pretended resistance, for, more often than not, she is a willing party’. [20] Once the girl has been taken to the man’s village, her guardian or his messenger will then follow up on the same day or the next day and possibly take her back if one or more cattle are not handed to him as an earnest promise for a future marriage. 21] Consequently, if the guardian does not follow her up to take her back, tacit consent to the marriage at customary law can be assumed. After the girl has been carried to the man’s family hearth, negotiations for lobolo between the families of the bride and the groom would then follow. If the families cannot reach an agreement, the girl will return to her parental home, whil e the man’s family will be liable for damages. [22] As noted, the main aim of ukuthwala is to force the girl’s family to enter into negotiations for the conclusion of a customary marriage. It follows, therefore, that if a man abducts a girl but fails to offer marriage, or if he does offer marriage but is deemed by the girl’s guardian to be unacceptable as a suitor, a fine of one beast is payable to the girl’s guardian,[23] who, with his daughter, is said to have been insulted by the thwala without a consequent offer of a marriage, or having been thwala’d by undesirable suitor. [24] It is important to note that during the process of ukuthwala, it is contrary to custom to seduce a girl. 25] By custom, the suitor, after forcibly taking the girl to his home village, is required to report the thwala to his family head. The family head thereupon gives the girl into the care of the women of his family home, and sends a report to the girl’s guardian. A man who seduces a thwala’d girl is required to pay a seduction beast in addition to the number of lobolo cattle agreed upon and in addition to the thwala beast where no marriage has been propos ed. 26] Other safeguards that were put in place for the protection of the thwala and the girl involved were that the parents of the girl were immediately notified after the thwala had occurred; if the thwala had not worked, a beast was supposed to be paid; and finally if a girl fell pregnant consequent upon her seduction, then further additional penalties were also supposed to be paid. [27] Numerous reasons exist for the practice of ukuthwala, some of which are arguably cogent and weighty. They include: to force the father of the girl to give his consent;[28] to avoid the expense of the wedding; to hasten matters if the woman is pregnant; to persuade the woman of the seriousness of the suitor’s intent; and to avoid the need to pay an immediate lobolo where the suitor and his or her family were unable to afford the bridewealth. From these reasons, it is apparent that ukuthwala can serve important cultural purposes in those South African communities which live their lives according to cultural norms. However, these reasons are also uggestive of the fact that the girl or the unmarried woman involved is, in some cases, thwala’d without her consent. This provides the link to forced marriage, which then calls into play constitutional and human rights standards. In addition, insofar as the girl who is thwala’d may be aged below 18, issues related to child marriage and early marriage arise which in turn calls for a consideration of some provisions of the C hildren’s Act 38 of 2005. 2. 2 Forms of Ukuthwala It is generally accepted that the traditional custom of ukuthwala is often carried out with the knowledge and consent of the girl or her guardian.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Writing Essays - Ending a College Essay With a Quote

Writing Essays - Ending a College Essay With a QuoteEnding a college essay with a quote can be a great way to make your essay stand out, as well as add a personal touch to the document. Here are a few tips on how to get your student writer thinking about what he or she is writing about when using a quote.A good place to start is with the reader. Ask yourself what kind of information the essay will be doing for you, and in what way this might be a personal choice rather than just another point in the essay.What do you want the student writer to come away with? Sometimes they are asked to write an essay about a local person that was mentioned in the text. In this case, using a quote about a local person in the essay could give them the edge they need to relate it to their lives.A great place to go is to talk about yourself. Using a quote about yourself can make you sound more sincere and honest. In addition, having a genuine quote you can't live without can help solidify your beliefs a nd attitude towards the content.Another way of giving your student writers a personal touch would be to include something from the writer's own life. Many people like to include quotes from their favorite song, an old photo, or even a childhood memory. The more personal the quote, the more it will stick in the reader's mind and really drive home the message you are trying to deliver.Lastly, although not recommended, ending your essay with a quote may also be useful for ending a professional essay as well. A professor who is grading a paper for a certain grade may be tempted to give the assignment back the writer based on one of the following: Either an essay will show a clear understanding of the topic, or it will be a convincing argument about an issue that can be addressed and accepted by a broad audience.When all else fails, ending a college essay with a quote can be your best and only option. However, if you find yourself ending an essay without one, don't be afraid to call for a higher grade or take extra time to make sure that you have put your best foot forward in your essay.