
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Predictably irrational Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

predictably irrational - Essay ExampleAs a result of these accounts of conscious perceptions, we often assume that the experiences pretend a single fundamental reality. Based on this broad judgment, Venkat further reaffirms that, the imperative nature of mind is practically beyond logical doubt and rather evident through predictable air. (n.pag). Many fasten the assumption that, they argon actually lottling for rational and smart choices, with show up taking into consideration the possibility that their behavior is actually predictable. After reading Arielys book, I came to realize that I am also predictably irrational, especially in my life as a student, as shown by analogies drawn hereunder amidst the authors illustrations and incidents in my life. According to Ariely, it is rather intriguing to note that, human expectations, societal norms and emotions, among other undermined aspects of life, which ordinarily see illogical, often control our capability to reason. This is a conclusion that the author draws from the fact that people astoundingly make straightforward mistakes, yet repeat the same types of faults daily. The authors line of thought begins when he asks Do our counterbalance impressions and decisions become imprinted? (25). He goes on to elaborate that we usually overpay for certain items when shopping, we also underestimate expenses and hold procrastinating duties we are supposed to carry out eventually. The author is keen to note that these misguided doings are not random, and neither are they senseless. Apparently, these actions are logical and foreseeable, as illustrated by the experiment showing how students brotherly security numbers influenced their bids for wine (Ariely 28). This possibility is explicated by Ariely in various chapters of his book, as well as, in Platos Allegory of the Cave, as discussed in subsequent paragraphs. In chapter six of his book, Predictably incorrect, Ariely focuses on the crucial aspects of self-cont rol and procrastination (Ariely 109-119). Through a comprehensive experiment, the author realizes that his students tend to realize better in class assignments, when deadlines for work submission are spaced all through the semester, than when the deadline is set on the final day of the school term. This is an aspect he attributes to the tendency of learners to postpone work, when they think that they rent sufficient time to finish writing the assignments, prior to the semesters end. In the long run, students rush during the oddment minute only to do unsatisfactory work and, consequently, acquire poor grades. In contrast, spacing out deadlines and imposing potential grade or financial penalties, in addition to simplification of tasks, makes it easy for students to softwood with their assignments early enough. This is because such efforts inspire self-control among students and lower incidents of procrastination. The occurrence of procrastination among individuals is also supporte d by ODonoghue and Rabin, who suggest that people may occasionally purchase items with high prices based on the public opinion that the price is

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