Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Impact of Brand Personality on Consumer Decision Making Essay
mend of Brand Personality on Consumer Decision Making - Essay ExampleThis research leave behind demoralise with the statement that in equating the impact of a shufflings personality on the consumer decision-making process, Hofmeyr and strain in a book titled Commitment-Led Marketing The Key to Brand Profits Is in the Customers chief aptly sums up the purpose of this study. They advise us that commitment is what pits seek to establish with consumers as it represents what they tactile property about a company, as opposed to loyalty, which they describe as what consumers do. In order to gain a level of commitment from consumers, a brand must establish some sort of relationship as well as an image that transmits and provides them with a reason or reasons to act upon that foundation. In delving into this study, certain keywords as represented by its purpose, are integral to understanding the foregoing. A brand, according to the Concise Dictionary of disdain Management is A mark, name, logo or trademark that identifies a product or services or organization and distinguishes it from its competitors. It is studied, brand personality encompasses branding, which the Concise Dictionary of Business Management defines as The use of a brand to describe a product service or organization. In considering the term brand personality one needs to understand that it means. the quality or condition of being a person the totality of qualities and traits that are peculiar to a specific person the pattern of collective character, behavioral, temperamental, stirred and mental traits In equating the preceding application to brand personality, substituting brand for the person provides the context. Aaker tells us that The brand personality provides depth, feelings and liking to the relationship. He adds that Of course, a brand-customer relationship can also be based on a functional benefit, just as two people can have got a strictly business relationship. The preceding brie f exploration has sought to acquaint you with the foundational precepts in this exploration that includes the third facet, consumer decision making. This last area represents the core question and focus of marketing professionals for oer 70 years, with its roots tracing back approximately 300 years as led by economist Nicholas Bernoulli. Bernoullis groundbreaking work paved the way for von Neumann and Morgenstern who extended his work into what is called the public utility Theory. Their hypothesis, von Neumann, and Morgenstern are based upon the theory that individuals evaluate uncertain prospects according to their expected level of satisfaction or utility. The preceding represents one of a number of consumer decision making theories and or models, which for the purposes of time, only a some shall be covered in this examination. The highly competitive world of business, where most products and or services plowshare common and or similar characteristics, brand distinctions repres ent an important advantage that companies seek to establish. This study will seek to explain and examine the relationships between these areas and explain the nuances as well as linkages that make brand personality an important part of the consumer decision-making process.
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